Congratulations JazzO-- this is just one of the formal commencements of your life-- As you get older-- you'll come to treasure it-- if for no other reason than your life will change, and commence again, with unscheduled irregularity-- and you'll wish for the time when you knew change was coming and could prepare for it!

Your wistfulnes-- and reflections will be with you all your life-- I wish for the you the life you don't expect-- Not a bad life-- but one with filled with surprizes-- and oportunities-- with unfathomed changes-- You are smart enough, and well educated enough already to enjoy such a life--

I will second Flatland-- keep an open mind-- there is so much out there-- so many topics to explore-- hold off on your major (But not quite as long as i did-- i graduated college age 40!)-- you might find your self in love with something you've never realized--
An article in the times some years ago, about college experience, related the story of a man who went to college with an athletic scholarship-- who was sure he was going to persue sports as a career- even if only as a coach or gym teacher. an english reading assignment found him reading what he thought was a sport account-- On first looking into Chapman's Homer (that he didn't know any great ball players named Chapman didn't faze him). He ended up with a Major in English lit, and a career as a writer. (On first... can be found in the verse thread.)

Best wishes to you-- except for this board-- I can't image myself enjoying time spent with a jazz loving republican --
your jazz hating NY liberal friend!