Well, Jo,
I will offer my opinion, but ask you to keep in mind that I
am conservative, and old-fashioned at least in re: good
manners. To me, certain words are not ever used by a genteel person, unless he or she is under provocation.
There is a huge amount of oh-so-casual cursing, at least in
the movies here. (Ex. The Blair Witch Project--seemed like
50% of the "dialogue" was either f--- or s---.) I hear the
f-word quite often, even at elementary schools. But to me,
using ugly words in everyday talking is "just not done".
(I can and do curse rather freely when provoked, however!
I'd be in BIG trouble if the other drivers knew what I call them sometimes!) But(t) I think I am quite the minority--
I can't even use the (sort of) word at the beginning of this sentence, but I hear it used all the time by people from all walks of life.