The swan's daughter claims: A well fitted tux is not a suit of armor

Hear! Hear! The operative words being "well fitted." My Dad was 6'4" and a BIG man all over ... Mother and I litterly press-ganged him to a GOOD tailor for the above! Think about it : if you're going out to a formal "do" you will probably get dressed about 5 p.m. and get home about 1 a.m. (if you're lucky) ... That's a minimum of eight hours...your tux should be as comfortable as your business suits, at the least. As for "sawed neck syndrome" -- it is unnecessary if the shirt and un-starched collar fit properly.
Dad once spent a long 14 hours in his tux and was gracious about crediting me and Mother for making him get a tailor- made tux that was comforable and fit!
And while I am on this //rant// please wear a real tie-it-yourself bow tie as a proper gentleman should. Yes, the skill can be mastered! And once mastered never forgotten.

Yeahbut, can you muck the byre in one?

Of course you can ... and look very elegant while you're doing it!

To the Ladies : Thank you for the support. Gratifying to say the least ... Now, if we can just get the dear men to fill the ice cube trays before putting them back in the freezer! Or is that really too high an aspiration?