The only reference I have for "double dutch" is a jump rope game-- you double the rope- and have two seperate lines (commonly, you'd run the rope behind your back) Your left arm turns the rope clockwise, and your right arm, counter clockwise--

It harder to jump with two ropes, and the "jump rope song" are faster-- It used to be a real big thing in NYC-- (and it tended to follow ethnic lines-- Black girls where always the best-- followed by white girls, black boys, and almost never competing, white boys.) Back in february or so, there was a world championship double dutch contest-- and for the second year in a row, the team from japan won.

the japanese teams tend to be older (college age) and semi professional-- they are attending a sports university and can take courses in double dutch! Most of the other contestants where from US cities.. (and i think mostly east coast cities at that..)

On the main thread topic-- i have never heard "seperating the english from the dutch"--- wheat from chaff, from boys, yes.