I was going to send this message to a number of you privately since it really has nothing directly to do with AWADTalk, but when I realised the number I'd have to PM, I decided to risk the Wrath of AnnaS and do it here.

Sandra and I have sold the house, handed in our notices and are making plans for our move to the UK. Some of you will know that this includes an intended extended tour across the US. We will endeavour to visit as many of those of you who have made the mistake of thinking that meeting me/us will somehow enhance your lives as we can.

We will probably cross the water to the US in mid-June. I'll post a fuller itinerary to Max's i-Drive when we know what we're doing. There's gotta be a first time for everything.

Thank your for your anticipated forbearance for the abuse of this forum!

The idiot also known as Capfka ...