Español (Spanish):
amar, querer, tener cariño, enamorarse, chifladura, cariño, enamoramiento, querido, amado, amante, amor, afecto

“estimar” and “apreciar” as “tener cariño” express a mild feeling and can be used when referring to acquaintances, relatives or friends.
Although we can replace “amar” by “querer” in most situations we cannot “amar” a good steak. For material things we use “querer” but only on ‘want’ expressions.
When we love activities or material things we use “encantar” or “gustar” and if the feeling is very intense we can say “adorar”.
I think most of those words have an English equivalent but it seems that the usage of them differs.

Encantado de colaborar.
Juan Maria.