ah Bridget-- Obviously not a water god! I think there are two kinds of bathroom readers--Comode (ugh!) and tub.

In the US, we tend to use one word (and one room!) for a comode, lav and bathtub. How much more civilized the Japanese are-- Bath rooms are for bathing-- they have large, insulated tubs in which you can immerse your self-- after you have first washed..
Comodes (with their two spectacular features, heated seats, and warm water for washing) and lavs are never found in the same room.-- these are people who understand simple comforts!

I've had many a book with wrinkled corners-- from turning the pages with damp fingers, read in deep tub, filled to brim with hot water. I learned early in life how to block the bottom half of the over flow to give myself an extra inch of water.

Bathrooms reading can be quite enjoyable..(and it keeps your fingers out of water-- so they don't turn into raisins!)