While we're at it - what about "a wing and a prayer?"

It was in a song in early days of WWII...as title and part of lyric of song entitled, aptly, "Coming In On A Wind And A Prayer"
The song was based on a real incident.
A Chaplain was aboard a US bomber as observer when the plane was attacked by German fighters as it returned from a raid over Europe. The fighter pilot's bullets disabled the two engines on one wing leaving just two engines on other wing operable.
The aircraft commander told the Chaplain to pray and nursed the plane home over the English Chanel ...
The base people thought the plane was lost in combat and we astounded to get the Captain's message that the plane and crew were "...coming in on a wing and a prayer." The plane landed safely and crew was OK.
There were many news stories about the incident and the song was very popular.

P.S. re our beloved spell-wrecker
Hyla dear, it's Spellwrecker. Been using the mockonym for ages.
Mockonym : Have I coined a new word? Pooh Bahs & Ilk invited to comment. ducking for cover