Bridge 'dess 96 can tell us if it's true that when polyester burns it reduces to paraffin.

Ahh~ indeed, dear Daedalus was much more handy at building mazes than he was at crafting wings. OTOH, perhaps his great flaw was only in not recognizing that 'tis a perquisite of youth to be inclined to follow one's heart and whimsy wherever it may lead.

re polyester... fiberbabe, perhaps you can tell me: are the new microfibers which are so soft not indeed a form of polyester? surely you cannot find fault in their delicious texture?

when i was in the second or third grade in the late 70's, i was forced to wear these ghastly bright green *hand-me-down* polyester slacks. i still have issues with my mother over that one. [shudder-e]