As a parent of a three-year old daughter, I'm constantly besieged with
questions. While on an after-dinner walk, the enquiry comes up,
"Where's the sun gone?"
"He's sleeping."
"Because his mommy put him to bed."
"Because he has to go to pre-school tomorrow."
"Because he likes playing with his friends and teachers."
A few more whys later, I'm ready to confess ignorance. Such a small
question -- Why? -- yet so hard to answer. Fortunately, the whats are
easier to tackle. As it happens, the English language has a word for
almost everything around: from the ball on the top of a flagpole (truck),
to the spot on a die or a domino (pip), to the little circle that comes
out of a punched paper (we all know it by now). This week we'll look
at some more words that answer, "What is this called?"