Whitman - you definitely merit the "stranger" appellation under your name, but I applaud your resolve. I, too, mourn the lost brontosaurus - my son will never understand the appeal of ordering a brontosaurus burger, a lá Fred Flintstone.

I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors regarding the modernization of the poor Neanderthal - what will they do next, take out the n's? Imagine it - reading of the evolutionary backwater once occupied by the benighted eadertal, poor sod.

And while you're at it - can you do something about continental drift? I mean, I like the other continents and all, but I don't think I need them any closer to me. Living in earthquake-prone California, this is an issue that may have even more immediate implications in my life than the pronunciation and orthography of Neanderthal.

Oh, and welcome to the board.