The system we use today is called equal temperament; the relation between the frequencies of any of the adjacent notes in the 12 tone scale is identical. Thus Freq(E):Freq(F)::Freq(A#):Freq(B). Mozart did not have the benefit of this temperament scheme and some of his music, in my opinion, shows it.

That's the problem with being non-musical. I recently watched a series that I really enjoyed called "Howard Goodall's Big Bangs", on the history of Western music, and, not being remotely musical myself, I lapped it all up. Imagine my disappointment on learning that he had sold me a pup with his statement that J.S. Bach's "The Well-Tempered Clavier" was largely responsible for our "equal temperament" system, even specifically mentioning Mozart and saying that some of his music would not have been possible without it. Once again, the TV has lied to me.