marshmallows They are made from sugar syrup whipped with gelatine.

And egg whites--to make a meringue that is stiffened by gelatin-- and i have read that the plant ( a marsh mallow) produces an effect like gelatin-- just as some sea weeds do, and was used in the past to make a meringue confections --marshmallow candys -- which have degenerated into current day marshmallows-- as well as having other uses. No mention yet of mallomars--(I can't stand them-- but are there any fanatics out there?)

Nougat is an other form of meringue only it is cooked to stiffen it. (and some say, properly made with honey)

My daughter was able to convince her "Food Policeman" father that Fluff was healthier food than grape jelly because of trace amounts of "protein" found in Fluff.( I was rather impressed with that!)