Scribbler, I agree--names are very important, and the strongest efforts should be made to get them right.
If someone comes up with a special name for me, then to me that is a sign that they think I am special, and only that person do I allow to call me that name. Likewise I do to
others--take the name David, for ex. I don't know any
Daves or Daveys, but if I did, I would never call one the other, nor David either. If someone's birth certificate says they are Johnny, then they are not John--unless they prefer it.

We've only had one person use David as their screen name, and that was only partial: David108, whom I miss dreadfully.

Psst, Scribbler--I am much too in awe of you to even dare to think of giving you a pet name. I always think of myself as bowing out of a room backwards, in your presence.