I was involved in a discussion with a friend which eventually turned upon a point of 'labels' or labelling. (Akin to my 'Gandhi' discussion in this forum, but not exactly so.)

In order to investigate this phenomenon, I wondered if the gathered ayleurs here (and members of this forum who sternly repudiate the notion that they could ever willingly be ayleurs) might answer a coupe of questions for me.

What I'm looking for is:

1. your reaction; and
2. your response

to a word that I give you.

To explain, if, for instance, the word I gave you was nigger, your reaction might be: "Yuk. Don't ever use that word." Your response might be: Well, I suppose technically it could be taken to mean an African-American, but it has such derogatory connotations that it is only ever acceptable in use when used by an African-American as part of African-American patois (as in hip-hop music and so on).

If the word I gave you was minute your reaction might be: "a moent, a short length of time". Your response might be: "Ah yes, it also means something really tiny. In any case, why is shanks linking this to a completely different thread?"

So there you go. I hope I've explained myself well enough. Begging your indulgence on this one, here's the word:



the sunshine warrior