First, let me say that I happen to know that both Anna and
tsuwm are busier right now than they have been, and that I hope this pull-back is VERY temporary for both. Also, we need Jo (jmh) back! (Hint, Dearest.) She always has ideas,
which is my third thing: I love Bill's idea about coming up with inspiring and challenging ideas! I wish ALL of you would! Because that is something I am not good at, which I think has been evident. I do not have a talent for seeing what isn't there. I re-act, but seldom pro-act.

The above postings are causing me some concern that there may be an "us vs. them" mentality developing. I really hope not. I personally do not adapt well to change, and am quite curmudgeonly about it (was just called an "old grouch" at choir practice for refusing to clap on Sunday
morning). But I sincerely hope that the newcomers have not been given the sweeping impression that they are not welcome if they don't conform. Everyone, old and new alike,
has their own special interests and also ways of speaking.
Also--everyone has bad days, and this may account for some of the "I'm upset" posts, at times. I, at least, am willing to grant folks the benefit of the doubt on that score. It is also my opinion that everyone has the right to say when they are upset and why, but if I may make a suggestion: if we can do it without passing negative judgments (eg. stupid post), expressing an opinion is much less likely to cause hurt feelings.
maverick, I would really like your wisdom on this, Sweetie.
I think you could do us all some good.