Thank you, Jackie. I have occasionally been responding to more than one post, but when doing so I have tried to decide which post was more influential in making me post in the first place, respond to that post and at least copy and paste a relevant bit from any other post I may be alluding to (unless it is a whole thread of posts from some other day). From a threadnodist's point of view the individual sub threads are easy to follow just from the organization on the page. This leads to our failure to understand how a flatliner could easily follow a subthread when the subject line changes (as it so often will). This is what I was referring to in the Silly comic quizz subthread, particularly when you get something like AnnaS's (a notorious flatliner and Mac sufferer) when I questioned how flatliners would be able to follow such a subthread. Well, Ms Strophic has said that she follows just fine, so I suppose I shall have to trust her and ignore the nagging doubts in my mind. But, to humor us poor benighted threadnodists, please try to keep things where they belong.