"Recherchedutempsperdu" transmogrissified, becomes "Amourdutempsperdu" ??? (Worstest word for the decade emoticon) However, try pronouncing it, with a Boston accent, and very rapidly, as "amatta-tomps-pu-duh" and it mightttt pass for a word. Not surprisingly, Aenigma is "puzzled"* -- and not for the first time. *Anyone else????
P.S. (Post-Scribble) I do not usually check Aenigma, but, owing to some unusual words in the body of the text, I gave it a try. Post Aenigma, "Amperage" and "amaze" were suggested in place of the coined words and - my personal favorite- in lieu of Aenigma, Splckr's very own name, the suggestion was "Aeolus".