As for what a sheet is, my sailor friends say both the sail and the line (NEVER "rope!")

Never rope - I quite agree (unless you were asking someone if they had any spare, but it's really far too vague a thing to ask for). A sheet = the rope that is used for moving a sail in and out. Most other stuff would probably be control lines. Collectively it's all commonly referred to as 'string' or knitting! Depends on how tangled up you've managed to get them all.

Back to the original strain:
Out to lunch
Off his trolley
Out of your tree
Wibbled (but that's a kind of personal one and probably ought to go under word-coinage - I seem to remember (way back in the depths of student-dom) that it harks back to Blackadder, that 'to wibble' was to talk nonsense - when drunk one does and therefore you are 'wibbled').
Worse for Wear
Drunk as a Skunk
Pissed as a newt
'Had a little too much'
'Under the weather'

I think that about exhausts my supply!