it's not the OED that makes the connection between "abbada ke dabra" and "abracadabra". it is just a theory i am trying to track down. i have not found a formal linguistic connection yet, and i am trying to find a linguist that either supports or rejects this theory.

Damned if "thea" isn't lightening.

Obviously, the OED end isn't load bearing end of the question. How do you, how does one get abad out of abra? And do you think you preference may prejudice? You say, "i personally like the disappearing word meaning since it has a long history to the theory. nothing else i've heard has that depth."

You mention a theory, which you say has a long history, but you don't give the theory or evidence its history. If all you wanted to know was whether anyone here had heard of it, you could have had your answer in a post of two letters. I'm guessing you might want a little more engagement. Of course, you are more than welcome to zing around like a buzz bomb if you want, I don't think anyone minds--but you have to understand, it does make it hard to chat. Why don't you pull up a chair and stay a while? The kettle's just boiling.