And then there was the story of two snakes who fought. And it just so happens that they were black rat snakes. Well,
one got a-hold of the otherun's tail and started up. That didn't set too well with th'otherun, so he hauled off and chomped down on the tail of the one whose head was occupied
eatin' his tail, and started up. Well, the more those snakes felt themselves being eaten, the madder they got an' the faster they ate, till purty soon there wasn't
nothin' left. And that there's a true story. Let that be a lesson to all, that not only do you need to watch what's in front of you, you'd best be lookin' out for what might be coming up behind you...


Hyla, I liked your post the way it was. I can go anywhere and read smut. I really like it when this place stays
"clean". Innuendo is so much funnier than having straight dirt shoved down your throat, anyway, and some of the plays on words here have been great!