"We've been framed..." spoken by the pirate captain in Asterix

Sorry, couldn't find it in my (smallish) collection. (Damn kids. Buy 'em a book and they think it's theirs!) Only thought I had was that maybe the pirate had a hatch opening round his head, so "framing" him, but I presume you would have seen that.
However the search sent me rooting through the pun notes for a French copy of "Asterix and the Gladiators" (by the way a nephew was an extra - a German tribesman - in Gladiators. The battle scene was filmed in the woods next to my in-law's house) In this it mentions that one of the songs is a parody of a kid's song "Il etait un petit navire". It also mentions that "there is a noted rude version". I have been unable to track this down. Any help please?

And while we're on the subject. Such rude songs are generally known as "Rugby Songs" in UK. Is there such a phrase in US and elsewhere, or are they just known as "dirty songs"?
