Rod-who? wrote: I found two references to "Hoon" via The first is an Indian (Asia) term for a gold coin. The second is in the "Aussie" slang dictionary at http://"" listed as:
Hoon- Loudmouth, to drive recklessly!

I didn't mean to burst the bubble but thought the references to the sources might help others in future.

No, not much you didn't. Typical - the Ozzies pinch it (as they do everything which isn't nailed down) and then only half define it and then others perpetuate the myth. Instead of posting, I'm going to go postal, I can tell ... is dropping copies of Webster's on people's heads a crime in the US/UK?

Then Jackie, in a fit of faustian self-justification, uttered: And, for the record: I drive very fast, but NOT recklessly.
I judge speeding safety based on road and traffic conditions, the latter including the presence of visible cops.

Yeah, yeah, that's what they allus say. Hoons tend to be great at self-justification for their actions ...


The idiot also known as Capfka ...