So am I the only one who crests hills? I often define my house as "being on the crest of the hill"-- You drive up my block (the hill is steep enough, that you down shift to 2nd or 3rd to get the car up) and just as you come to the top, where the hill levels off-- the crest--Why there is my house!

I have heard brow of the hill-- and understood the meaning immediately, but would not use that expression-- any more than i would keeps stuff in the "boot" of the car, or have stuff delivered by a "lorry" -- i don't know if brow is "english" --so much as it is just not common in NY-- (America?)

I wouldn't use crest for a small rise-- NE roads all have crowns-- not crests-- they are definately Humped so that snow melt runs off to the side of the road.