the police used fixed wing aircraft

There was a story that made me chuckle recently on the BBC. A sargeant and a constable were pointing a speed-gun (radar) up the hill on a long stright road on the Scottish borders. Suddenly, as a car came over the brow of the hill the radar started going mad - "Christ, Sarge, it's clocking two hundred....!" The recorded speed shot up and up to over 360, then the machine had the electronic equivalent of a massive heart attack as a plane roared overhead.

When making enquiries later, the police contacted the local RAF base, from which NATO craft were on maneouvres. Yes, said a frosty voice, they could help unscramble the radar gun, but they wern't going to: "You locked onto one of our planes, and were only seconds away from an automated air-to-ground missile response. Go away and play with your toy somewhere else!"