Dear, dear, *dear* BelM,
No hex intended ... but I went back and edited it out ... so others will now be totally bumfoozeled if they try to figure out this exchange.
I think it was brain slippage because I was thinking that "Speed Kills" and I was worried that something might happen to you. Then I wrote the ing post about your coming thru NH -- the "joke" implied being I'd stay off the road on those days.
So if there was any hoodoo voodoo it was a *Protective* one for you when you are on the road.

As a reporter I went to a lot of accident scenes -- most the result of excess speed -- and it has made me a more careful driver. I drive a Saab and keep speeds to a max of 70 when passing on Interstates with a 65 mph speed limit.
Here's a hint for all of you on US Interstates around New England: you will be ticketed if your speed exceeds 71 mph.
My source is excellent! And in NH, the police used fixed wing aircraft to monitor highways ... not helicopters!
Happy and safe travellin',