Jackie-- go to a racing school! I am planning a weekend in the early summer at Limerock CT-- where there is a car racing school. You get to race in their cars-- and you are also trained on how to steer out of skid-- most places have a skid pad-- a patch of road that is so slippy you are forced into a skid-- and the area is surround by bales of hay-- to make for an "easy crash zone". But because you do learn how to handle skids-- the race driving schools actually qualify you for a discount on your auto insurance!

Limerock CT is not convenient to Kentucky-- but i bet there is an other school offering the same type course-- Auto companies have offered them for years in the Detroit area-- and surprizingly, women are usually more interested in them then men (theory is most men are firmly convinced that they are good lover and good drivers and don't have to go to no stinkin' school to learn anything about doing either!)

I speed too, and i figure i should go to school and learn how to do it right! and if i get an insurance discount to do so, well all the better!