How is a light switch (and remotely) turning a light on or off different from magic?

well its different because most of us, in school, are taught to construct a basic circuit with a flash light, battery and a switch-- and while many might not get the finer points of electricial engineering-- we learn light switchs aren't magic.

but some technology-- (lots of technology) is beyond most humans understanding-- Like MRI's-- we sort of know what they do-- but it no where near as clear to us how its done (quantum physics!)-- we accept it-- but it is a form of magic...

how many science fiction stories have as a premise-- a society that is surrounded by technological wonders-- and they don't know how they work? or how to repair them? I can do simple electrical stuff-- but I wouldn't pass the the "Union test" to qualify as an electrican-- If there was a something to serious interrupt our society-- how many of us really understand how grocery store scanners work? or computers? or a light switch?

This board tend to be well educated-- and I would be very glad to be stranded with most of you-- but I watch Jay Leno-- and his Jay walking--when he goes out in the street and ask simple questions... most people, if not idiots, are ignorant! (I don't think it is just Americans--we just have the best educated idiots.)