MEANING: verb tr.:
1. To color or mark with red.
2. To highlight or decorate.
3. To provide with a rubric (a guide, rule, commentary, etc.).

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin rubricare (to color red), from rubrica (rubric, red earth). Ultimately from the Indo-European root reudh- (red), which also gave us red, rouge, ruby, ruddy, rubella, robust, rambunctious, raddle, corroborate, roborant, robustious, rubicund, rufescent, and russet. Earliest documented use: 1570.


MEANING: verb tr.: 1. To color or mark with red.
2. To highlight or decorate.
3. To provide with a rubric (a guide, rule, commentary, etc.).

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin rubricare (to color red), from rubrica (rubric, red earth). Ultimately from the Indo-European root reudh- (red), which also gave us red, rouge, ruby, ruddy, rubella, robust, rambunctious, raddle, corroborate, roborant, robustious, rubicund, rufescent, and russet. Earliest documented use: 1570.

RUBBRICATE - to cover with a flexible insulating material

RUBICATE - to put an obstacle irrevocably behind you

HUBRICATE - to display overweening pride