PRONUNCIATION: (gay-mi-fi-KAY-shuhn)

MEANING: noun: The application of game-related elements to an activity to make it more engaging.

ETYMOLOGY: From game, from Old English gaman (entertainment) + -fication (making), from facere (to do or make). Earliest documented use: 2008.

NOTES: Typical elements of gamification include progressively increasing challenges, awarding of points or rewards, adding surprises, etc. Should we offer badges and points to readers who send out gift subscriptions of A.Word.A.Day? Badges or not, please do send it to friends and family. That's the only way the word spreads. Help us in our mission of spreading the joy of words.

RAMIFICATION - Dodge Motor Company is switching entirely to light trucks

GRAMIFICATION - metric measurements are coming!

GATIFICATION - Second Amendment carried to the extreme