PRONUNCIATION: (tran-SPIK-yoo-uhs)

MEANING: adjective: Easily seen through or understood.

ETYMOLOGY: From Latin transpicere (to see through), from trans- (across) + specere (to look). Ultimately from the Indo-European root spek- (to observe) which also gave us suspect, spectrum, bishop (literally, overseer), espionage, despise, telescope, spectator, spectacles, conspectus, frontispiece, omphaloskepsis (navel gazing), perspicaciousness, perspicuous, prospicient, soupcon (a very small amount), speciesism, specious, and speculum. Earliest documented use: 1638.

TRAINSPICUOUS - every car is a vibrant and different primary color

TRANS-PIC-UO-UP - if you're feeling blue after changing your gender this will make you feel better

TRANS-PICROUS - the alternating configuration of picric acid (cf. cis-picrous)