MEANING: noun: 1. Money, especially in the form of bills.
2. A stupid or mentally impaired person.
3. A term of endearment.
4. Scraps remaining from a fabric that has been used to make a garment.
verb tr., intr.: 1. To get intoxicated.
2. To steal or pilfer.
3. To plagiarize.

ETYMOLOGY: For noun 4 & verb 2, 3: Of uncertain origin. Perhaps an alteration of the word garbage. Earliest documented use: 1703.
For everything else: From Anglo-Norman kaboche (head), from Latin caput (head). Earliest documented use: 1391.

CARB-AGE - everything is sugars and starches these days

CABLAGE - what brings your TV service

and three more taxi-themed entries
CAB-RAGE - drivers had it UP TO HERE with this traffic
CAB-BAGEL - New York taxi-driver's light breakfast
CABBAGO - backache after fourteen straight hours of driving