Getting back to typos. I friend and I found this pamphlet from 'The Wall Street Institute' inviting people to try to win a free English course by filling out the form and sending it in. We spent about 20 mins correcting at least 20-30 mistakes on the form, both in German and English with a red pen and sent it off. Two weeks later a lady called me, and in broken German (she was from the U.S.), proceeded to tell me I had won a course. I acted overjoyed and commented on how happy I'd be to learn some English. Needless to say I didn't go.
Another classic:
In German, a language school is called eine Sprachenschule, but many schools advertise their 'Sprachschule'; the irony of it! It's like attending 'a lanwage skool'. Needless to say, it's best to avoid these establishments.