what's Cincinnati like anyway?

It's also got the best ice cream I've found anywhere, and I've looked far and wide. There's a small chain of bakery/ice cream shops in Cincinnati that makes wonderful, wonderful stuff - they make their own chocolate and in their chocolate chip flavors they pour liquid chocolate into the ice cream as it's being made, it hardens instantly and is broken up as it's stirred in, so you get enormous, delicious chocolate chips.

Oh, this is the language forum, not that ice cream forum I haunt? Back to business.

An interesting language note about Cincinnati then. It was once called Losanteville, explained thusly: the "L" is for the Licking River, which flows into the Ohio River at Cinci, "os" is mouth, "ante" is before/across, and ville is obvious. So, it's the city across from the mouth of the Licking River.

[/end distribution of mindless trivia about a place I do not live but where I got family]