> your predilection for another guttural language

It is strange considering Hebrew and German (and a smattering of Arabic) fused with such ease to create Yiddish. Saw a Yiddish film once and managed to get the gist. German can infact be spoken quite far forward in the mouth and even sound quite soft (e.g Hamburger/northern accent)! When it comes to gutteral then other Germanic languages like Dutch and Yiddish, and definitely certain Arabic accents win hands down.

> ...southern German rather musical myself
Indeed, some have a real tune and rhythm. In Swiss German they really sing (I downloaded some Swiss hip-hop, it's really cute). As for Austrian, that's a Baverian (an already really dodgy) accent gone all wrong! 'Schwäbisch' is a sing-song and a hoot to boot.
U German is some average of all that lot.

Mahlzeit Leude