epicenter: As noted this does not describe the center of an earthquake, but rather a point on the surface above it. This misuse is somewhat innocuous in that it is designed to make the speaker seem more educated than he or she is.

We do not live beneath the earth's surface where tectonic plates grind into each other. Ground zero is where surface waves have the most energy and that location becomes epicenter. Gotta start from someplace so X marks the spot, common speak. Done all the time.

"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than open your mouth and prove it." - Disputed provenance.

Only if what others perceive of you outweighs what knowledge you gain. Socrates was the first to admit, "I know nothing."

The more questions you ask the more you'll learn and the more you learn the fewer the dumb questions you'll ask. Just the way it works.

But how boring would life be without those really good ones. Like, "Where in the hell did that nine-sixteenth open-ended wrench get off to?" And my son will answer, "DAD! It's in your hand!"