I have long had the impression that quality of speech was a far more potent impediment to upward social movement in England than it is in the US. Most of this naturally comes from the English novels I have read. I must confess at this point that I am far less well read than many board members.I have thought that the relatively uniformly educated speech on TV might significantly reduce both regional and local differences in both the US and the UK. But other board members with whom I have discussed this feel I am unduly optimistic.You might think so, but Oh,dear, no.
But one thing that must surely make a considerable reduction in class differences is the tremendous increase in the number of college graduates. Equally important here in the US is the fact that a very large proportion of college students attend a college far from their home, and for post graduate studies very often go to universities far from their original college. Differences will undoubtedly remain, but they should become progressively smaller.