about six(6) years ago I spent a week's worth of wwftd entries deciphering a 'squire pedant' quote:

"Divest yourselves of your imbonity, incogitancy,
and malversation; bonity is impetrable; perpend
your longinquity from eupathy and the inenarrable
sequences of your impreparation for the
apropinquating catastrophe."
- Lorenzo Altisonant (Samuel Keinfelter Hoshour),
Letters to 'Squire Pedant (1850)

the words purport to be those of a visiting preacher
to a camp meeting, which might be re-rendered in
English along these lines:

"Quit your unkindness, thoughtlessness, and corruption;
kind acts are called for; ponder your distance from
good feelings and the indescribable results of your
lack of preparation for the approaching doom."
