What are "heaters"?


Special thanks to the tsuwms, the Faldeges, and the zmjezhds of this World, as well as the Tromboniaters, the LukeJavans and all other romantics of their World, for their small contributions in constructing this resolve.

I Mercer/ Miller wrote the lyrics for JEEPER CREEPERS expressly to effect a humorous interplay of meanings as Louis Armstrong sings a lovesong to a racehorse.

II The term "heat" in horseracing originated in the thermal heating of the horses especially in preliminary races.

III "When you turn those heaters on, woe is me. I got to get my cheaters on."
It follows that "turning heaters on" refers to the sudden burst of speed that a racehorse makes as it rounds the backstreach and "cheaters" refers to binoculars or field glasses.

Does anyone else have something further to add? smile