This duplication of words is a rich vein to be mined.[And it IS duplication, NOT REduplication as the introduction has it. To duplicate chop is to write chop chop. To REduplicate would be to write chop chop chop chop.] Here in Australia many of the aboriginal languages seem to favour such duplication.
Especially this is true of place names, as others have pointed out. You might live in Wagga Wagga or Wangi Wangi or even Grong Grong. If you are from way out in the sticks you might be said to come from Woop Woop.That far out in the inland you might choke from the dust thrown up by a willy willy or you might once have been hit on the head with a nulla nulla. If you surf on the coast you might ride a bora bora. If you watch birds you might see a Gang Gang or hear a Bulbul.
If you make a real Boo Boo of a criminal kind you could have ended up in Jika Jika like Sing Sing in the USA. Up north you can dine on Paw Paw. In Africa you could hunt a Dik Dik. So let's hear it for duplication. Bite the bullet...maybe a Dum Dum, beat the drum, make sure it's a Tom Tom, put on your Tutu and dance the Can Can, or settle down and read all about Tintin while smoking some chop chop [Here it means illegal tobacco on which duty has not been paid].
Me? I'm off for a wee wee then I'll treat myself to a Bon Bon. As they used to say on British radio TTFN which means TaTa for now.