a decriptivist might surmise that he meant "Latin became" here.

Boy howdy. Gonna fire me my editor. He's been slackin' on the job. Wait a minute. I do not have an editor.

And a tit-for-tat peever would say "always start a sentence with a capital letter". In this case "A".

But seriously, or at least I'm serious about it: you do not see the difference between solecisms, usage choices, and simple typos? For me to mistype "because" instead of "became" is not really going to change the language.

I have been rereading Kitty Burns Florey's Sister Bernadette's Barking Dog: The Quirky History and Lost Art of Diagramming Sentences and so, I am understandably a little cranky. She just does not seem to understand that Reed-Kellogg diagrams are a rather piss-poor tool for illustrating grammar.

Oh, and Miguelito: I have corrected my typo. Hope your blood pressure returns to normal ...

Ceci n'est pas un seing.