Maybe my grammar and your grammar have (as a word) a somewhat different meaning.

Oh, of that I am sure.

I do not have a diagram association with lessons about grammar. Never heard of.

Ah, yes. That is a purely US pedagogical tool. If you can, take a look at this book on Google books (link). For most folks who went to primary and secondary school in the US before roughly up until 1970, these diagrams were a big part of "grammar".

Also I don't think of grammar as something one 'uses'. It's an inner annotator that works along subconciously when one writes something. But once it was explained and conciously studied.

Well, if grammar does not get used why is it necessary? Or better yet, why teach it? I agree that it is un- or sub-consciously learned and used. Learning some formal system of grammar lets one study already existing texts, but does very little to nothing in generating those texts. (Which is exactly what a whole bunch of peevers claim, amongst other things with which they annoy me.)

[Edited to correct typos.]

Ceci n'est pas un seing.