Well, its true, they are, inspite of what politician tell you, decreasing the qualities of school.

I think, part of the problems is, we, (americans) don't really value children. I thinks some parents value their kids-- and sometimes act as if their kids could do no wrong-- but as a group, (adults) don't value children (as a group).

I live in nice middle class neighborhood-- but our local school was falling to peices-- and there was never any money in the budget to get something done, till one day- half of one of the walls collapsed into the school yard! Fortunately, there weren't any children in the school or yard at the time.

Still, Scott, you have several choices.. you are bright- and you could begin to learn latin on your own. there are latin clubs-- and no doubt, there are even latin bulletin boards, or web sites..

You might even find, that there are teachers in your school who know latin, and would be pleased to help you learn it. there are several people on this bulletin board who know and use latin-- you could be really nice to them... (Lucky you, I am not one of them!)

and you'll find, most dictionaries have an section in back-- with common latin words and phrases.. so you could begin to learn some things from tools at hand.

I have never taken a course in anatomy-- but when i fell, and broke a bone-- (and i knew it was broken before it was x-rayed) i knew which bone it was.. I sort of liked the idea that all the bones had names, and learned most of them... (much easier than latin, since there are only 200 some odd bones, and some like metacarpsuls get repeated.. vertibre, and phalanges, too) but the point is, it doesn't matter that your school is less than perfect and doesn't teach latin... you still can learn it.