It's too easy to create or force a dead end, and we've generally tried to avoid it by mutual agreement.

It isn't really a competition or a winner - some words are obvious, and some are clever, and some are silly, and some are obscure, and some are dubious, and the Roolz of what's permitted are often waived for the sake of continuity. And amity. What's usually insisted on is the add-delete-or-change-one-and-only-one-letter rule. And even there we've been known to overlook variations.

It's so tantalizing - with all those common letters, it feels that there ought to be a continuation nearby that we just haven't found (or created) yet. (Too many letters can get unwieldy!) But if everyone is frustrated, we might just as well restart with new letters.

I s'pose I'll invoke Seniority and say - start again:


(And if we can come up with a continuation for INTERLARDED we can always re-resume from there!)