A real example might help.

Yes, possibly my understanding of grammar may differ from your's and Zm's. (I doubt it) It's a.o. about things like inconsistancy in using plural and singular forms in one sentence.
Or mixing up articles and personal pronouns incoherently.

Yes, children master a great deal of their grammar before they enter school(most of them), but then why teach them if it weren't to give them the real understanding of the why, such and so... and why do children find it so hard? Many children consider Dutch grammer as more difficult than English grammar.
Maybe you English are just lucky. But it can't be a local thing. In many countries people complain about today's language education.

Universities here complain that a too large part of newly entering students is no longer able to write correct Dutch; to a point where they have introduced an obligatory test and special courses to try solve this problem.

**Ha! example!!! Universities here complain that a too large part of newly entering students is no longer able to write correct Dutch.= correct

Universities here complain that a too large part of newly entering students are no longer able to write correct Dutch. = incorrect

(its a very simple example but this is what I mean)

I know this is not what Nunberg means directly but bad writing becomes worse when the knowledge of basics gets lost.