Oh yeah--I've typed many a V from hitting Shift instead of Ctrl.

I found this on a Wikipedia page--didn't bother to check verifications:
Main article: Quisling
During World War II, the word quisling became synonymous with traitor.[148] The term was coined by the British newspaper The Times in its leader of 15 April 1940, entitled "Quislings everywhere." The editorial asserted,

To writers, the word Quisling is a gift from the gods. If they had been ordered to invent a new word for traitor... they could hardly have hit upon a more brilliant combination of letters. Aurally it contrives to suggest something at once slippery and tortuous.[149]

The noun has survived and for a while during and after World War II, the back-formed verb to quisle (pronounced /ˈkwɪzəl/) was used. One who was quisling was in the act of committing treason.[150]