'Spooky, for the superstitious.'

If you read this with attention and without haste you might find that superstitious and the word 'survive' are in this same little paragraph. A little superstition is never a waste. More than that, it's a bit of FUN.
(no, I don't mean witch burnings )

late 14c., from O.Fr. superstitieux, from L. superstitiosus, from superstitionem (nom. superstitio) "prophecy, soothsaying, excessive fear of the gods," perhaps originally "state of religious exaltation," related to superstes (gen. superstitis) "standing over or above," also "standing by, surviving," from superstare "stand on or over, survive," from super "above" (see super-) + stare "to stand," from PIE base *sta- "to stand" (see stet). There are many theories for the L. sense development, but none has yet triumphed.