Esperanto, like so many bureaucratic grand schemes, will always fail when tested against this popular will enacted out by millions of individuals taking their own personal choices.
There are many prejudices and objections against Esperanto. Esperanto certainly is not a bureaucratic scheme. It was developed for the use as an auxiliary second language by an individual who was simply addicted to languages. Just as you are. The inventor of Esperanto had no bureaucratic schemes or plans to conquer the world in mind.
One of the advantages of Esperanto as an international language is the fact that it is neutral, because it is not a national language. However, this turns out to be also an obstacle for a wider spread of its use or even of it becoming a world language. As there is no Esperanto-land you can visit, most people do not see any reason for learning such a language. The number of speakers around the world is too small (a few million) for Esperanto becoming a major player for global languages. Moreover, any national language has a more or less large support from one or more nations. This is not the case for artificial languages like Esperanto.
Artificial languages are a wonderful playground for people who love languages, but it is unlikely any of them will catch on as an internationally accepted global language.