Unfortunately the treasure for this particular clue has been found. Probably based off other clues besides these unscrambled treasures. If anyone is still trying to figure out what these letters mean they were suppose to be the exact location of a key. The treasure hunt is sponsored by a local car dealership for four keys. The keys will open a treasure chest with either $500, $1000, $1500 or keys to a brand new car.

The first key which went along with this clue was located at John Henderson Family Park also known as Enterprise Recreational Park and GC Donaldson Park. This particular clue if deciphered may have lead to the actual location of the key in the park. For example....once on the trail go west twenty steps off the trail and behind the tree you will see the key. I just made that up but I am guessing it went something like that.

If anyone does figure it out, please share because there are still three more keys to be found and this treasure hunt will continue for a few months, so it would be nice to know how know how this unscrambling business really works.

The clues come out throughout the week and not all of them are scrambled letters. I did the treasure hunt two years ago and came very close to finding the last key but someone got there right before I did.

Thanks again for the effort. :-)

Last edited by treasure; 08/05/11 03:55 PM.