Wofa, I most respectfully challenge your rhythm analysis. Reduced to the simplest form, a limerick may be:

Bom ba da Bom ba da Bam
Bom ba da Bom ba da Bam
Bom ba da Bum
Bom ba da Bum
Bom ba da Bom ba da Bam

You can add one or two unstressed syllables before the first stressed syllable of any or all lines, you can add one unstressed syllable after all the Bams, you can add one unstressed syllable after both Bums.

In New York it's too hot to complain.

I picked a big bunch of petunias.

I hate it when teenagers swear.

Felix the Cat drives me mad

These are all legitimate A (or, in this case, Bam) lines for a limerick. And (please don't consider this as a complaint or attack, I merely point this out) my line
Underneath it a sixty-ton sty.
exactly fits your
ba da BOM ba da BOM ba da A.
I wholeheartedly approve of your change from "ton" to "pig."

Edit: Actually, you can add two unstressed syllables after Bam. Difficult, but possible. I haven't delved into the rhyme question yet!

Last edited by Tromboniator; 07/02/11 08:24 AM.